Monday, May 25, 2009

This Weekend

We spent some time in the yard this weekend.  My bearded iris' are starting to bloom.  They are one of my favorites!

My corabelle are also looking great!
We had a fire in the fire pit tonight.  Hubby roasted corn in the fire and we had italian sausage on the grill.  My friends Regina and Sharon came over.  We ate by the fire and sat out until it got chilly!  What a great weekend!

I did not get much sewing done this weekend.  My husband helped me move my cutting table to the middle of the room so I would have wall space for a design wall.  I have my happy hour blocks up.  As you can see they would not all fit so the rest are laying on the cutting table.  There are 99 all together.

My New Sapphire 830

I got a new machine a couple of weeks ago.  It is just like "one i's".  I love it!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Second Baby Quilt

As you can see I finally figured out how to put pictures on.  This is the baby quilt that I made when I returned home from the retreat!

My very first quilt!

First Baby Quilt

This is the first baby quilt I made for a friend at church.  It is from connecting threads.  I had fun making it!

Still Trying!

I figured out how to change background colors, etc.  I still cannot get my pictures from my camera to work.  I am computer challenged, but I will overcome.  If I didn't have to go to work everyday, I could quilt more!  I have finished a baby quilt since I have been back from retreat.  I have lots of projects started and none finished.  My husband is still looking for a new quilt on the bed!